
Feral Druid Tank PVE - Wotlk

Feral Druid Tank PvE

1 - Talents           
2 - Glyphs            
3 - Gear               
4 - Enchants        
5 - Gems              
6 - Stats               
7 Tips & Tricks 

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration
While Frenzied Regenartion is active, healing effects on you are 20% more powerful.

Glyph of Growl
Increases the chance for your Growl ability to work succesfully by 8%.

Glyph of Survival Instincts
Your Survival Instincts ability grants an additional 15% of your maximum health.

Minor Glyphs

Reduces the cooldown of your Challenging Roar by 30 sec.

Increases the duration of your Thorns ability by 50 min when cast on yourself.

Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.

[Sanctified Lasherweave Headguard]Head277Heroic Token
[Baltharus' Gift]Neck284Halion 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Shoulderpads]Shoulders277Heroic Token
[Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape]Cloak277Rotface 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Raiment]Chest277Heroic Token
[Toskk's Maximized Wristguards]Bracers277Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Handgrips]Gloves277Heroic Token
[Astrylian's Sutered Cinch]Belt277Festergut 25 Heroic
[Gangrenous Leggings]Legs277Festergut 25 Heroic
[Frostbitten Fur Boots]Boots277Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance]Ring 1277Ashen Verdict Reputation Ring                                
[Band of the Bone Colossus]Ring 2277Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Sindragosa's Flawless Fang]Trinket 1277Sindragrosa 25 Heroic
[Corroded Skeleton Key]Trinket 226460 Frost Badges
[Wrathful Gladiator's Halberd]Main Hand2774670 Arena Points

[Idol of the Crying Moon]Ranged26430 Frost Badges

Arcanum of Stalwart ProtectorHeadFaction                    

Greater Inscription of the GladiatorShouldersFaction
Enchant Cloak - Major AgilityCloakEnchanting
Enchant Chest - Super HealthChestEnchanting
Enchant Bracers - Superior StaminaBracersEnchanting
Enchant Gloves - Major AgilityGlovesEnchanting
Eternal Belt BuckleBeltBlacksmithing
Frosthide Leg ArmorLegsLeatherworking   
Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's VitalityBootsEnchanting
Enchant Ring - StaminaRing 1EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.                        
Enchant Ring - StaminaRing 2EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.

Enchant Weapon - Blood DrainingMainEnchanting


Solid Majestic ZirconRed

Solid Majestic ZirconBlue

Vivid Eye of ZulYellowUntil Hit cap else Solid Majestic Zircon                                               
Austere Earthsiege DiamondMeta

All you need is

1. Hit rating 8%
2. Stamina
3. Crit
4. Armor Penetration
5. Haste

Coming soon!

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