
Enhancement Shaman PVE - Vanilla

Enhancement Shaman PvE

1 - Talents           
         2 - Gear                        
          3 - Enchants                  
4 - Stats               
5 Tips & Tricks 

[Icy Scale Coif]Head83Heigan the Unclean
[Stormrage's Talisman of Seething]Neck92Kel'Thuzad
[Mantle of Wicked Revenge]Shoulders77Fankriss the Unyielding
[Cloak of the Necropolis]Cloak90Sapphiron - Naxxramas
[Warlord's Mail Armor]Chest74PvP Armor Quatermaster
[Wristguards of True Flight]Bracers71Cache of t he Firelord
[Vek'lor's Gloves of Devastation]Gloves81Emperor Vek'lor
[Therezane's Link]Belt83Nefarian
[Leggings of Apocalypse]Legs83Four Horsemen Chest
[Boots of the Shadow Flame]Boots83Nefarian
[Ring of the Godslayer]Ring 188C'Thun                                                                    
[Band of Unnatural Forces]Ring 285Loatheb
[Slayer's Crest]Trinket 190Sapphiron
[Kiss of the Spider]Trinket 285Maexxna
[Dark Edge of Insanity]Main Hand84C'thun

[Totem of Rage]Wand57Magmus

Libram of ConstitutionHeadFaction100 HP

Zandalar Signet of MightShouldersFaction30 Attack Power
Greater Fire ResistanceCloakEnchanting15 Fire Resistance
Greater StatsChestEnchanting+4 on all stats
StrenghtBracersEnchanting9 Strenght                                                                          
AgilityGlovesEnchanting15 Agility

Libram of ConstitutionLegsFaction   100 HP
StaminaBootsEnchanting7 Stamina


CrusaderMainEnchantingStrenght Proc


Coming soon!

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