
Balance Druid PVE - 3.3.5 WOTLK

Balance Druid PvE

1 - Talents           
2 - Glyphs            
3 - Gear               
4 - Enchants        
5 - Gems              
6 - Stats               
7 Tips & Tricks 

Major Glyphs
Reduces the cooldown of Starfall by 30 seconds.

Your starfire ability increases the duration of your moonfire effect on the target by 3 sec, up to a maximum of 9 additional seconds.

Increases the periodic damage of your Moonfire ability by 75%, but intial damage is decreased by 90%.

Minor Glyphs
Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.

Your Rebirth spell no longer requires a reagent.

Mana cost of your mark of the Wild and Gift of the Wild spells reduced by 50%.

[Sanctified Lasherweave Cover]Head277Heroic Token
[Blood Queen's Crimson Choker]Neck277Blood Queen 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Mantle]Shoulders277Heroic Token
[Cloak of Burning Dusk]Cloak277Halion 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Vestment]Chest277Heroic Token
[Phaseshifter's Bracers]Bracers284Halion 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Lasherweave Gloves]Gloves277Heroic Token
[Belt of Petrified Ivy]Belt26460 Emblem of Frost
[Sanctified Lasherweave Trousers]Legs277Heroic Token
[Boots of the Frozen Seed]Boots264Lady Deathwhisper 25 Heroic
[Ashen Band of Endless Destruction]Ring 1277Ashen Verdict Reputation Ring                             
[Cerise Coiled Ring]Ring 2264Prince Valanar 25 Heroic
[Phylasctery of the Nameless Lich]Trinket 1277Sindragrosa 25 Heroic
[Charred Twilight Scale]Trinket 2284Halion 25 Heroic
[Royal Scepter of Terenas II]Main Hand284Lich King 25 Heroic
[Shadow Silk Spindle]Shield277Prince Valanar 25 Heroic
[Idol of the Lunar Eclipse]Ranged26430 Emblem of Frost

Arcanum of Burning MysteriesHeadFaction                    

Greater Inscription of the StormShouldersFaction
Enchant Cloak - Greater SpeedCloakEnchanting
Enchant Chest - Powerful StatsChestEnchanting
Enchant Bracers - Superior SpellpowerBracersEnchanting
Enchant Gloves -Exceptional SpellpowerGlovesEnchanting
Eternal Belt BuckleBeltBlacksmithing
Brilliant SpellthreadLegsLeatherworking   
Enchant Boots - IcewalkerBootsEnchanting
Enchant Ring - Greater SpellpowerRing 1EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.                   
Enchant Ring - Greater SpellpowerRing 2EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.

Enchant Weapon - Mighty SpellpowerMainEnchanting


Runed Cardinal RubyRed                                                                                                    
Purified DreadstoneBlue

Potent AmetrineYellow  

Chaotic Skyflare DiamondMeta

These are the list of your stats from most important to least important.

Hit rating (if below cap)

Haste rating (if below soft cap)
Critical strike rating (if below soft cap)
Haste rating
Critical strike rating


In this section, I will discuss the Balance Druid "rotation" (I will also link a video further down). I quote the word because I find that "spell priority" is a more accurate way to describe the process. The spells you will cast depend on specific factors, which I will try to explain below. The rotation itself is fairly simple:

Maintain Faerie Fire on the target, unless a Feral Druid is tanking it.
Cast Starfall on cooldown. There are a few reasons you may want to delay casting Starfall (though never by more than 5-10s):

You would pull unwanted aggro on nearby mobs.

You know you will be moving very soon - save it for then.

You are expected to do AoE burst damage soon.

Cast Force of Nature on cooldown, but try to time it so that the Treants stay alive as long as possible.

Spam Wrath during Solar Eclipse, and spam Starfire during Lunar Eclipse.

Spam Wrath after leaving Solar Eclipse, and spam Starfire after leaving Lunar Eclipse, until the next Eclipse procs.

The tricky part begins when DoTs are involved. Our DoTs don't scale very well (especially Insect Swarm). When out of Eclipse, DoTs are definitely worth casting, but when in Eclipse, they are not.

The issue with deciding when DoTs are worth casting is that the global cooldown used to cast one could also have been used to cast Wrath, which may have proc-ed Eclipse - so even if the DpET (Damage per Execution Time) of a DoT might be better than an un-Eclipsed Wrath, it's still hard to gauge the potential DPS difference had the Wrath proc-ed a Lunar.

It also depends on gear. DoTs are less important at higher gear levels, but they are still quite worth it at T9 levels of gear (especially with the 2p bonus). My advice on DoT priority is the following:
If out of Eclipse and DoTs are down: refresh DoTs.
If in Eclipse and DoTs go down: don't refresh DoTs. Stick to Wrath/Starfire.
If Eclipse just proc-ed and DoTs are down: refresh Insect Swarm for Solar, Moonfire for Lunar.
If Eclipse just ended and DoTs are down: refresh IS if you just came out of Lunar, refresh MF if you just came out of Solar.
If Eclipse just proc-ed and DoTs have 3+ seconds left on them: don't refresh DoTs. Especially if Moonfire still hasn't been extended and the Eclipse is Lunar.

I recorded a quick video showing the Moonkin rotation, which you can find here:

And here's another DPS video that I recorded randomly. My rotation is more polished and my DPS is higher in this one:

Also, I have recorded myself in a guild ICC10! It's not a pro-raid (mostly alts), but it should show you everything you need:
Lich King

Thanks to Cloves from the Warmane Forums for the rotation.

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