
Assasination Rogue PvE - 3.3.5

Assasination Rogue PvE

1 - Talents           
2 - Glyphs            
3 - Gear               
4 - Enchants        
5 - Gems              
6 - Stats               
7 Tips & Tricks 

Major Glyphs
Glyph of Mutilate
Reduces the cost of Mutilate by 5 energy.

Glyph of Hunger for Blood
Increases the bonus damage from Hunger fo Blood by 3%.

Glyph of Tricks of the Trade
Your Tricks of the Trade ability no longer costs Energy, but also no longer increases the damage dealt by the target.

Minor Glyphs

Glyph of Safe Fall
Increases the distance your Safe Fall ability allows you to fall without taking damage.

Glyph of Vanish
Increases the duration of your Vanish effect by 2 sec.

Glyph of Blurred Speed
Enables you to walk on water while your Sprint ability is active.

[Discarded Bag of Entrails]Head277Heroic Token
[Baltharus' Gift]Neck284Halion 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons]Shoulders277Heroic Token
[Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape]Cloak277Rotface 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate]Chest277Heroic Token
[Toskk's Maximized Wristguards]Bracers277Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets]Gloves277Festergut 25 Heroic
[Astrylian's Sutered Cinch]Belt277Festergut 25 Heroic
[Sanctified Shadowblade Legguards]Legs277Heroic Token
[Frostbitten Fur Boots]Boots264Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance]Ring 1277Ashen Verdict Reputation Ring                          
[Frostblood Sapphire Ring]Ring 2277Dreamwalker 25 Heroic
[Deathbringer's Will]Trinket 1277Saurfang 25 Heroic
[Sharpened Twilight Scale]Trinket 2284Halion 25 Heroic
[Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]Main Hand264Lord Marrowgar 25 Heroic
[Heaven's Fall, Kryss of the Thousand Lies]Off Hand277Blood-Queen Lana'Thel 25 Heroic
[Gluth's Fetching Knife]Ranged264Dreamwalker 25 Heroic

Arcanum of TormentHeadFaction                    

Greater Inscription of the AxeShouldersFaction
Enchant Cloak - Major AgilityCloakEnchanting
Enchant Chest - Powerful StatsChestEnchanting
Enchant Bracers - Greater AssaultBracersEnchanting
Enchant Gloves -CrusherGlovesEnchanting
Eternal Belt BuckleBeltBlacksmithing
Icescale Leg ArmorLegsLeatherworking   
Enchant Boots - Greater AssaultBootsEnchanting
Enchant Ring - AssaultRing 1EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.                           
Enchant Ring - AssaultRing 2EnchantingRequires 400 Enchanting.

Enchant Weapon - BerserkingMainEnchanting
Enchant Weapon - BerserkingOffEnchanting
Heartseeker ScopeRangedEngineering


Stark AmetrineRed

Nightmare TearBlue

Quick King's AmberYellow                                                                                
Relentless Earthsiege Diamond Meta

All you need is

1. Hit rating 6%
3. Attack Power
4. Armor Penetration
5. Agility / Crit
6. Haste

Coming soon!

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